このページでは、Position Paper,Negotiation Paper,そしてDraft Resolutionの作成方法についてご紹介いたします。
Position Paper
PP(Position Paper)は、議題に関する自国の立場や考えをまとめたものになります。模擬国連では、本番前にPPを議長に提出し、自国のスタンスを示す必要があります。各国の大使が、自国が置かれている状況を再確認するだけでなく、議長が進行の指針にこのPPを用いるため、非常に重要な文書であるといえます。以下では、PPを実際に書くまでの流れを説明します。
その後は、実際に問題となっていることについて調べます。今回の場合、安全保障理事会では議席拡大と拒否権について議論されているため、この二つについて調べます。議題によっては、運営から提示されている議題解説書(Background Guide)に、簡単な情報や歴史が掲載されていることがあるので、そちらを参考してもよいです。


基礎情報を調べ終えたら、議題に対する自国の立場について調べます。こちらも、議題解説書(Background Guide)に記載されている場合があるのでチェックしてみてください。さらに堀深める場合は、その立場をとるに至った経緯や、周辺国のスタンスについても調べるとよいでしょう。特に、非公式討議では、似た考えを持った国々でグルーピングが行われるため、他国のスタンスを知ることで会議を有利に進めることができます。



これらを踏まえ、実際にPosition Paperを作成していきます。
- 議題に関する歴史、現在の課題
- 自国のスタンス
- 具体的な政策
The Falklands War of 1982 is one example Argentina has strong distrust of the veto. Over the Falkland Islands we confronted Great Britain for three months. The UN Security Council, while recognizing that we had committed aggression, urged Great Britain to settle the dispute peacefully with Argentina.
However, Margaret Thatcher who was the president of UK, did not respond. She used force in the name of “retaking the Falkland Islands” under the lessons learned from the Suez Crisis of 1956: “To conduct a military operation, you must have the confidence to end the war,” and “those who hesitate will lose”. On this occasion, Spain and Panama proposed a ceasefire, which was endorsed by nine countries, including the former Soviet Union. It was thought that this would end the Falklands War, but the United Kingdom vetoed the ceasefire proposal. The reasons for this veto were Britain’s confidence in its military superiority and the foreign relations cooperation of Ambassador to the United Nations Parsons and Ambassador to the U.S. Henderson.
This veto allowed the Falklands War to continue, eventually ending in June of the same year with the United Kingdom as the victor. In this war, the United Kingdom exercised its veto solely for the purpose of defense and recapture, leading to the continuation of the war. However, in terms of the damage to people and goods caused by the prolonged war, the use of the veto may not have been desirable. In general, we recognize, on the basis of this war, the overwhelming power of the permanent members of the Council with respect to the veto as a challenge. We are also acutely aware of the limitations of the Security Council system and see the need for new reforms to the current veto power.
Argentina has now agreed to form a Uniting for Consensus (coffee club) with other countries to conflict its current veto power.
The Falklands War has ended. However, we are still uneasy about the use of veto power relate to the war. We have seen firsthand that the use of the veto encourages longer wars and increases the damage. From an international perspective, this is hardly desirable. Coffee club argues that the current veto power hinders the Security Council’s objective of “maintaining peace and security. We agree with this contention and believe that reforms to the veto power are necessary to eventually limit the veto power with regarding war.
In view of the foregoing, Argentina, in accordance with the policy of its own country and the Coffee club, proposes to limit the use of the veto power with respect to war and expresses its desire to maintain and promote international peace and security.
Based on these circumstances, Argentina, in line with its own policies and those of the Consensus Union, declares its proposal to restrict the use of veto power regarding matters of war, aiming to uphold and promote international peace and security.
Following the Falklands War with the United Kingdom, Argentina has advised the permanent members of the Security Council about the dangers of using veto power in matters of war. Furthermore, as a member of the Security Council, Argentina strongly opposes any veto use that may encourage war, always prioritizing the peace and security of the international community.
Moreover, as part of the Consensus Union, there’s a call to eliminate the veto power held by permanent members, especially in areas highly prone to threats like genocide and war crimes, to promptly execute measures for peace and security. Argentina aligns with and supports this proposal.Additionally, beyond merely limiting the scope of veto power, there’s a belief that permanent members should be obliged to provide explanations to restrain the unjust use of veto power and fulfill their responsibilities within the Security Council.
The utilization of veto power by the United Kingdom during the Falklands War resulted in the escalation of war damages. This fact highlights that the current existence of veto power obstructs the role of the Security Council. With all nations bearing the responsibility for peace and security, there’s a necessity to reconsider the veto power held by permanent members.
Negotiation Paper

Draft Resolution
今回の例は、自国アルゼンチンのほかに、イタリアやモンゴルなどの国々とともに作成したDRです。「The General Assembly」の後に続き、グループとしての課題意識やスタンスを提示します。